That's me, Eugene Kim. NYC-based location sound mixer.
13+ years recording:
politicians • (secrets) • athletes • music • nature • the city • chefs comedy sets • mermaids • vampires • education • dancers • walla
and room tone.
Can only go so long without eating Asian food.
Also, here's a quick guide to studios and cycs that actually sound good.

Mixers and wireless
• Zaxcom Nova and Sound Devices 633. All Zaxcom wireless.
• Zaxcom transmitters can record directly to itself should talent go out of range - no missed takes or dropouts.
• RF VUE hardware and IAS software for complete RF analysis and optimization of the wireless spectrum.
Sennheiser 8060, mkh50 • Schoeps cmit5U, cmc641 • DPA 4063, 6060 • Sanken cos-11 • Countryman b6 • Electrovoice 320's, RE50.
The rest
IFB, smartslate, sync boxes, camera hops and Movie-Slate sound reports at wrap.
Protools Ultimate, 1 TB sound library, KRK 7402 & Minimus for monitoring, Izotope/DMG/Massey as chef's knife tools. Armful of plugins.
Happy to arrange additional gear.